sunset user08 commented:

he’s leaving, my brother is leaving me here
who is going to make me sandwiches now?
who am i going to share them with?
who is going to look out for me?
sunset kamomile commented:

you were everything I ever wished to be
bright solar sibling buzzing and singing
I was so soft and pitch black dark
and I would have tackled the world
just to see you make it out yellow and kind
sunset euca_bleach commented:

growing up the walls of our house were pressing against my lungs. i spent so long breathless, waiting.
when I finally drove away I expected the Big Breath to come and a great release to finally happen. I waited and waited and got further and further away
but knowing i left my sibilings in there still suffocated me
sunset driedroZe commented:

i just hope my little sister remembers how quickly i came when she did call
i just hope she knows i am on the next flight
on the next train
in the next hour
i will come and sit and say nothing
but i will come
when you do call
sunset pastassteam commented:

I heard your first word
(I taught you to say it)
I saw your first step
(I was holding your hands)
& I spent the whole time wondering if you even knew how much I loved you
when all I could really do was be angry
sunset amuchine006 commented:

I had a dream you were in a hospital bed with so little life left in you, you had long thin cold fingers in my hand. we laughed and bickered and right before you died you told me that

if you were only put on earth to bicker with me,

that would have been enough.